First Giving Day in Serbia – Did we make it?

This summer, Serbian Philanthropy Forum officially launched this initiative by inviting companies and individuals to help association „Evo ruka“ start the first Inclusive centre in Zemun Polje. The centre is designed as open space in the community, where children with learning difficulties will be provided assistance and where people from Zemun Polje could spend quality time with their neighbours and children that need their support.
Initiative to collect funds took about three months, and was finished with a common volunteer action of arranging space in the Inclusive centre, where over 100 people participated.

October 14, 2013

Wrapping up Corporate Philanthropy Results for June

A few weeks have passed since our last update, but we have been busy here at philanthropyposts, as we have been preparing for a soft internet launch of the Catalyst brand…with a new Facebook and LinkedIn pages and email delivery system setup. We invite you to share both pages with your contacts and friends who might be interested in learning more about philanthropy in the region.
In the coming weeks, you will begin to see improvements in both the frequency as well as the presentation of data and information, based on the data Catalyst has begun to collect and process.
Today, we provide you with further details on what happened in corporate philanthropy during June 2013, completing our overview by providing country-level detail for Macedonia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia.

September 19, 2013

Highlights of Corporate Philanthropy in June

Last week’s post on corporate philanthropy during the month of June stirred a lot of interest, primarily due to the surprisingly high value we were able to ascribe to this form of philanthropy…a measurement we think has not been made before.
This week, we wanted to dig a bit deeper and provide some examples of the forms of philanthropy that the private sector engaged in during June. Lacking a better format for presentation, bear with us as we walk you through country by country

August 26, 2013

Corporate Philanthropy in The Balkans Tops 500,000 EUR in June!

After a summertime gap in July, Philanthropy Posts is back at work analyzing the public records of giving throughout the Western Balkans.
We turn our focus this week (and over the next couple of weeks) on corporate giving during the month of June 2013. Corporate philanthropy took a variety of forms during June, including direct cash donations, provision of in-kind good or services, working together with their employees to achieve a common goal, and providing a platform for clients or customers to also participate in giving…

August 14, 2013

Popular Philanthropy: What Were the Most Reported on Philanthropic Actions in YOUR Country in the Past Two Months?

As we wrote before, Philanthropy Posts’ new effort, the Catalyst initiative is following media in 7 countries in the region trying to work out ways to measure philanthropy. As we were looking into the data, we were interested to see what actions got the most media attention in each of the countries. This is an opportunity for you to see how media in your country view what is interesting for their audience:

July 12, 2013

National Giving Day: Would You Like to Try It?

Just a couple of weeks ago, the Serbian Philanthropy Forum (SPF) officially launched the National Giving Day, an initiative done for the first time in Serbia. While the name (national day) suggests that it is just one day when giving is encouraged, SPF decided to take things a little bit differently.

This post will tell you more about how they came up with the whole idea and how it is going to be implemented, but will also look at some examples of the same or similar ideas from other countries and continents that you may find inspiring! Who knows, maybe one day we’ll write about the Balkans Giving Day?

July 4, 2013

Učenje filantropije: Prilike za podršku i umrežavanje u Regionu

Iako ulazimo u letnje mesece, izgleda da nema usporavanja u radu mnogih fondacija i organizacija u Regionu koje su fokusirane na unapređenje filantropije iz lokalnih izvora i prikupljanja sredstava.
Sve ovo izgleda kao dobra prilika da damo jedan skraćeni prikaz aktivnosti koje će se odvijati tokom leta a i u jesen, kako bismo bili sigurni da ćete ove događaje staviti na vaše kalendare.

June 28, 2013

Learning Philanthropy: Opportunities for Support and Networking in the Region

As we come into the summer months, it appears that there is no slowing down yet in the engine rooms of many foundations and organizations in the region who are focused on fostering local-sourced philanthropy and fundraising.
So this seems like a good opportunity to give a brief round-up of some of the activities taking place over the summer and into the fall, so that you can be sure to get these events on your calendar…

June 24, 2013

Portrait of a Donor: Nikola Koprivica or The one who gives should be thankful!

Last year, PP brought you portraits of two major individual donors, both from out of our region. We thought it might be time to show that there are such donors in Western Balkans too! This post is about Nikola Koprivica, businessman and philanthropist from Montenegro, who, in memory of his father, established Foundation “Ćano Koprivica” in Niksic in Montenegro.

His father, Stanislav-Ćano Koprivica was widely known in Montenegro for his philanthropic giving and is considered as one of the greatest Montenegrin philanthropists. The first Montenegrin Iskra Award for Individual Philanthropy was given to him, posthumously, for outstanding life contribution. Often are quoted his words: “it is not important how much money you have, what is important is to know what to do with it.”

This is Nikola’s (Stanislav’s son) story:

June 20, 2013

Portret donatora: Nikola Koprivica ili Onaj koji daje treba da bude zahvalan!

Prošle godine, PP vam je prikazao dva značajna individualna donatora, oba van našeg regiona. Mislili smo da je sada pravo vreme da vam pokažemo da takvih donatora ima i na Zapadnom Balkanu! Ovaj post govori o  Nikoli Koprivici, biznismenu i filantropu iz Crne Gore, koji je, u znak sećanja na svoga oca, uspostavio Fondaciju “Ćano Koprivica” u Nikšiću u Crnoj Gori.

Njegov otac, Stanislav-Ćano Koprivica bio je poznat po svojim filantropskim donacijama I smatra se za jednog od najvećih filantropa Crne Gore. Prva nagrada “Iskra” za izuzetan doprinos individualnoj filantropiji u Crnoj Gori mu je dodeljena posthumno. Često se citira njegova izreka: “Nije bitno koliko novca imaš,već da  znaš šta sa tim novcem da uradiš.”

Ovo je priča Stanislavovog sina, Nikole:

June 20, 2013